Exercise One: Found out who is in your Sacred womb (exercise from Sistah Ma’at em Maakheru)
Please do this exercise for YOURSELF and YOURSELF only, you do not have to share it with anyone if you do not want to. What it is intended on doing is to give us some direction in our lives by first taking stock of what we have put ourselves through.
In our lives as woman, as soon as we become sexually active, we walk around with a lot of energies in our sacred wombs, this is to say the energy womb and not the physical womb. If you have had 5 sexual partners in your life, you are walking around with 5 people’s personality traits and a piece of their essence in you and if you do not know this, it might be a bad thing for you. However, if you choose to reclaim your sacred feminine power then you could be able to use these energies to your advantage, detox from them, reign over them etc. But a state where you oversee your physical and energy body AGAIN… *fix your crown Queen*
Exercise One: Found out who is in your womb (exercise from Sistah Ma’at em Maakheru)
For this exercise, you will need 3 index cards:
1. Think of 3 men who you’ve had relationships with that you feel still influence you now (this can be a current relationship).
2. On the top of each index card, write the name of each of the men.
3. Underneath each name, write down the most prevalent personality traits of the individual.
4. Underneath each individual’s personality traits, write down briefly what he did to hurt you.
5. Think about and be honest about any of his personality traits that you have. Write them down.
6. Finally, be honest again. Write down when you did the same thing he did to you to somebody else. It may not look the same way. For example, you may not have cheated in a relationship, but you betrayed your best friend by telling one of her deepest secrets.
Repeat and/or use as many cards as necessary