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What metaphysical significance does the womb have?

What is the womb and why is it sacred (or metaphysical)?

We might or might not be aware that we as women have a physical womb and a metaphysical womb. We have a physical and an energy body, so our sacred womb center incorporates our physical and energy womb. Our reproductive system is also referred to as the sacred womb center, the way we see the world and the foundation of our being as women can be sourced back to the energy womb. As we try to become empowered, if we are not in touch with ourselves at this level which is our bodies and the metaphysical aspect of it, we are missing out. It’s also good to note that as the divine feminine our intuition comes from this centre. Our menstrual cycle is the gateway into to the sacred womb because its such a physical process for us that we cannot ignore, no matter how much we may try to ignore it. Our energy/ sacred womb has a consciousness of its own, so it would work toward your advantage to tap into that consciousness, who knows you might just meet YOU😊.

Our menstrual cycle is the portal to our Metaphysical (sacred) womb, which is the matrix or intelligence upon which this reality is built. When we realise that the womb is another portal for humans to enter Earth and we see a link between our menstrual cycle and the working of the forces of the universe i.e. the Moon Cycle, we can begin to see that the energy body of the womb carries such a great role in this realm. The sacred womb is the epicentre of our Empowerment as women, instead of feeling ashamed of our femininity, it’s about time to do what we Women have come to do on this Earth.


The physical womb, also known as the uterus, is an inverted pear shaped hollow muscular organ that is situated in the lesser pelvis between the rectum and the bladder. It is part of the female reproductive system which is responsible for producing sex hormones and gametes as well as to support and nourish an embryo/ foetus through to birth.

- Length: about 7.5 cm - Width: about 5 cm - Thickness: about 2.5 cm - Weight: about 30g

The uterus is made up of:

- The body: Uterus

o Two Fallopian tubes - on each side of the upper part of the broad ligaments of the pear-shaped muscle. They are normally 10cm each in length

o Two Ovaries - bean shaped bodies lying one on each side at the free end of uterine tube. They hang from broad ligament by a fold of peritoneum

- Cervix

o It is the lower part of the uterus, narrower and more cylindrical than body. The Cervix has two openings. They are - internal OS, External OS. (I will discuss this at a later stage)

- Vagina or the inner canal that leads to the cervix or uterus

o female genital organ extending from uterus to Labia

It is important for us to also get a clearer understanding of the anatomical workings of the physical womb for us to build this relationship with our sacred wombs. When you for example understand how the ovaries function, what their role is in the menstrual cycle and where they are located in YOUR pelvic area. It becomes very easy for you to build a better understanding with your womb. You can better know why she is cramping or when the cramping is not normal which is “her” way of letting you know that something is not okay with her and so, you have to play your part in trying to make her feel happy again. Just like how you would do in a relationship with your mother or your husband or child, but this time you are in a relationship with YOU.

A large percentage of the most important work that is done by the womb can be sourced through the energy body. The womb can offer you so much knowledge about yourself, and sometimes about your mama, grand mama etc. If we could just be still and humble/ centered long enough to hear the “voice of the womb”. But it’s a good thing that we are community a of women (Womb Circle) who will learn and grow from each other. The aim of this platform is to share ways in which we can realign and reconnect with the Energy Womb, The Sacred Womb.

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