The Sexually Liberated Woman?
Let me start off by saying that, I understand that we are living in a world that has a lot of sexually liberated women (which in my opinion is something that I question but that’s a topic for another day) that I feel are yet to reclaim their sexual power. Yes, I said it, because in order to be sexually liberated I think that you need to be in tune and understand your vagina and your womb. We need to own every sexual encounter and not it leave you in a victim state. It’s always said that to better understand the present you need to get a much clearer knowledge of the past and the future can be paved with a clear direction. I personally think that you cannot be a sexually liberated god or goddess (whichever one you choose to subscribe to) when you are the victim of the very thing that you claim sexually constricted you. Allowing men to sexually abuse you with your consent is not what a God or Goddess does. Own your power, there is power in knowing that you walked out of a situation having full confidence that you gained something that is personally/ intrinsically constructive and/ or productive.
Do not get me wrong, I too am a very sexually expressive, provocative young lady who can easily and openly speak in detail about the subject of sex. I also do not think that the idea of sex is one that should be viewed with judgemental lenses but I feel that the concept of sexual liberation has been very narrowed down and misconstrued to just the physical act of sex and people have forgotten the spiritual or universal significance and side effects of the act (or ritual, which it actually is). Now that being said, that does not mean that we cannot be discrete and picky about what kind of sexual acts we engage in and what kind of state of mind and of being every sexual encounter leaves us in.
Being sexually liberated should play at your strengths because I think that we females have been dogged for our femininity that we think there is something wrong with our feminine wilds and powers. There is a lot of liberation in knowing that you will not engage in any sexual encounter with a man who is not going to make you reach your journey when he always does – that means knowing how to wake the penis up when he thinks he is going to be lazy on you or use other creative ways to make him make you climax as well. This also means that you can be free to own the sexual experience, initiate it, spice it up, also be adventurous with yourself… GET TO KNOW YOUR BODY MORE. Sexually liberated also means that we move away from all the conventional ways of thinking and swaying our sexual preferences to favour those of our male companions and you know that you can use your orgasms for something beyond reproduction. I could go on and on.
- Are you walking away with a rich experience after every sexually liberating encounter?
- Are you at least reaching climax? Do you know which buttons to press to get yourself off?
- Are you taking audit of your vaginas spirit or life (hehehe)?
- Do you know what makes your vagina happy and vibrate higher? Are you protecting your vagina’s innocence? Do you show compassion for your vagina?
If not, then at whose expense are you having this sexually self-exploitative posture at? Because we cannot deny that we women collect all the funky sexual life energy of every men that we allow all up in our yoni. The nature of the vagina and the uterus is for the collection or the reception of energy/ sperm.
I am also aware that there is also the lady who does not care much about sexual monogamy or some that are still dating and have not yet met that one right person that will be their sexual companion, who feel like they want to be sexually active to their hearts content and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I am not here to judge, what I am here for though, is to share an exercise that I think would assist you better in understanding yourself.
If you would like to get a better understanding of yourself, please try this exercise below,